12-13 september, 2019 in Tours (France)
We are pleased to invite you to the international conference on aging on 12-13 september 2019 in Tours.
This conference takes place within the research dynamics of two psychology laboratories at the University of Tours, where part of the research focuses on Aging : axes "Gerontology and daily life" and "Cognitive, emotional and social development and adjustment" of the Psychology of the Ages of Life and Adaptation laboratory (E. A. 2114, PAVeA) and the research team "Aging and memory" of the Research Centre on Cognition and Learning (UMR CNRS 7295 CeRCA).
The goal of this conference is to establish a state of current knowledge, exchange, allow reflection on scientific issues in the field of aging, as well as to encourage the development of collaborations between laboratories (local, national and international).
We look forward to seeing you on September 12 and 13.
LOCATION Université de Tours - Site des Tanneurs (3, rue des Tanneurs, Tours, France) - Amphi 4, 2nd floor from extension (Door Z)
Abstract submissions : until 28 february, 2019 new deadline 10 march, 2019
Notification to authors : 30 april, 2019
Final programme : 29 may, 2019
Registration from 6 may, 2019 until 16, july - Preferential rate up to 19 june, 2019
Association Tourangelle de psychologie Scientifique