
The conference will be held on september 12 and 13th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Amphi 4 de l'extension du site Tanneurs

See "Theme/plenary lectures" from the main menu to access to the main topics of the conference

and to the lecture title of the invited speakers.

Scheduled social events:

- Welcome drink at the "Mairie de Tours" on september 12 (at 6:00 PM).

- Conference dinner on september 12 (at  8:00 PM)



8h30 : Registration

9h00 : Opening talk

9h20 : Opening plenary - Dr. Laurent NOWIK & Pr. Alain THALINEAU (Univ. Tours) - People getting older and older and more numerous. Sociological issues and local research.

9h50 : Optimization of cognitive functions, strategies and aging - Moderator Laurence TACONNAT

Invited speaker -  Dr. Andreas IHLE (Geneva Univ.) -  Cognitive Reserve and Cognitive Aging

10h35 : Coffee Break

10h50 : Age-related differences in the neural bases of landmark versus geometric spatial cue processing - Stephen RAMANOËL et al. (Sorbonne Univ., Paris)

11h15 : Aging and automaticity : ORCA rather than HAROLD or CRUNCH - François MAQUESTIAUX (Univ. Franche-Comté)

11h40 : Posters – First session (Posters list)

12h15-14h00 - Lunch Break

14h00 : Aging and quality of life - Moderator Célia MAINTENANT

Invited speaker -  Dr. Päivi and Pr. Raimo LAPPALAINEN et al. (Jyväskylä Univ., Finland) -  Internet-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for enhancing elderly family caregivers’ well-being (CareACT)

14h45 : Spirituality and successful aging - Océane AGLI (Univ. Tours)

15h10 : Tenacious goal pursuit (TGP) and flexible goal adjustment (FGA) in older people over 5 years : a latent profile transition analysis- Nathalie BAILLY et al. (Univ. Tours)

15h35 : Coffee Break

15h50 : Innovative practices and aging - Moderator Caroline GIRAUDEAU

Invited speaker -  Pr. Feliciano VILLAR (Barcelona Univ.) - Exploring the potential of older people in an aging world: the generative response

16h35 : A multi-dimensional and innovative support programme for professionals in nursing homes - Mathilde CHAGNEAU et al. (Univ. Angers)

17h00 : Old age and aging in Africa : A theorical framework and Senegalese reality - Muriel SAJOUX (Univ. Tours)

17h25 : End of the first day

18h00 - Welcome drink at the "Mairie de Tours"




8h30 : Opening plenary - Dr. Shasha MOREL-KOHLMEYER - Aging with autism spectrum disorder

9h00 : Physical activities for an optimal aging - Moderator Kristell POTHIER

Invited speaker - Pr. Louis BHERER (Montreal Univ.) - Physical activities and exercise for healthy cognitive aging

9h45 : Exercise-cognition relationships: A virtuous circle - Pr. Michel AUDIFFREN (Univ. Poitiers)

10h10 : Coffee Break

10h25 : Effect of physical activity on episodic memory and fluid intelligence during aging - Hajer KACHOURI et al. (Univ. Tours)

10h50 : Posters - Second session (Posters list)

12h00-13h30 - Lunch Break

13h30 : Emotions and aging - Moderator Valérie PENNEQUIN

Invited speaker - Pr. Matthias Kliegel (Geneva Univ.) - Emotion-cognition interactions in healthy aging

14h15 : The positivity effect in aging : forgetting the negative and/or remembering the positive? - Pierrick LAULAN (Univ. Bordeaux)

14h40 : Musical remediation of cognitive and psycho-behavioural impairment in Alzheimer's disease - Priscilia  CHEVREAU et al. (Univ. Angers)

15h05 : Coffee Break

15h20 : Food and aging - Moderator Nathalie BAILLY

Invited speaker - Dr. Virginie VAN WYMELBEKE (CHU Dijon)  - Food adaptation and small appetite with aging : the small eater

16h05 : Feeding at the time of aging: time to readjust a food identity - Karen MONTAGNE

16h30 : Non-compliance with the diet of older diabetics in a stable medical situation in urban Abidjan - Sandrine POUSSY (Univ. Felix Houphouët-Boigny, Cocody-Abidjan)

16h55 – 17h15 :Closing session







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